
30 October 2019 | General


ENTRIES are open for the 2020 Hi-Tec Oils Bathurst 6 Hour enduro at Mount Panorama next Easter.Competitors lodging their entries before November 29 will be entered in a draw with the potential to win significant prizes designed to add even more value to the event next April 10-12.Early bird entries will be entered in a draw to win one of the following;A refund of 1x $3,025 (incl. GST) – essentially making the early bird entry fee half price, supplied by promoter Australian Racing Group.One set of 4x MRF Tyres to be used at the event, supplied by MRF Tyres400 litres of fuel to be used at the event, supplied by Race Fuels.Additional prizes will be added to the draw prior to the November 29 early bird deadline, with winners to be drawn at the drivers briefing at the event itself. Event info and entry forms are available via the Bathurst 6 Hour website by clicking here now.Entries eligible for the prize draw will be received and paid prior to, or on, the November 29 early bird entry deadline – so be sure to lodge your nomination on that deadline!Promoters recently confirmed that the 2020 event will double as a round of the Shannons Nationals, as well as featuring a round of the TCR Australia Series. Australian GT will also feature on the support program, with further categories to be announced in due course. The full B6HR eligibility list of over 130 vehicles, which includes some changes from 2019, is available on the Bathurst 6 Hour website. CLICK HERE for more details.Entry forms for the 2020 Bathurst 6 Hour can downloaded now. CLICK HERE to access the forms and secure your place on the grid.After a proven debut in 2019, MRF Tyres will again be the control tyre supplier for the event.Volunteer registration is also open for the event on a ‘first come first served’ basis. CLICK HERE for more information.